Open your mind to the mystical power of nature's wonders. Scotland is a land steeped in ancient wisdom & natural beauty. Nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes, hidden within the tranquility of lush forests & rolling hills, lie the 7 ‘Magic’ Wells of Scotland. These water wells have been revered for centuries for their exceptional healing properties.  Each well possesses its own distinct energy & therapeutic benefits, providing a gateway to the realm of holistic wellness.  Born & raised in Scotland I have a special affinity with the land & it's healing botanicals. They are part of my heritage & wisdom.  Let me show you how to harness true well-being with 7 simple practices for body, mind & spirit wellness.

Harnessing The 7 Wells To Wellness.
If you answer yes to any of these questions, then I invite you to follow my 7 Wells to wellness guide.

1. Are you feeling anxious or stressed?
2. Have you lost motivation?
3. Are you going through daily life without passion or drive?
4. Is there a feeling that you have lost part of yourself?
5. Are you finding it hard to balance work and home?
6. Do you feel physically or emotionally depleted?

Are you ready to regain a sense of purpose and fulfilment, and truly connect with your body, mind and spirit?

Hi, I am Lorna

Born and raised in a small town in Scotland, my childhood home was surrounded by lush green countryside as far as the eye could see.  My gran and I would walk for miles and wander through fields of the brightest green which eventually led to woods and streams.  We would always have a drink from the stream as it was so pure and refreshing.  It was during these times that my gran taught me about the ancient and natural ways of healing.  She would show me plants that helped with skin irritations, rashes and burns and she would talk to me about caring for animals and respecting the land.

Fast forward 40 years and here I am living in Australia, happily married for 21 years with 3 beautiful kids and 4 grandkids.

My family and my friends are my life, and my passion is helping people in their natural wellness journey.

I hope I can help you with my knowledge of the healing power of botanical's and my experiences with connecting and balancing body, mind and spirit for overall wellbeing.

My mission is to empower people in their mind, body, and spirit journey. I believe that a holistic approach to wellness comes from an understanding that true well-being cannot be achieved by solely focusing on one aspect of our being.

Everyone’s path is unique, so I am committed to tailoring support to meet specific needs. Whether it's finding ways to enhance relaxation, promoting mindfulness and emotional well-being, or incorporating self-care rituals into daily life, the goal is to assist individuals in achieving overall wellness and vitality.

Here’s How I Can Support You:

Download Your Gift

Start your path toward health and vitality 
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Care:
Harnessing the 7 Wells to Wellness

Wellness Call

My free wellness call provides a safe place for you to speak.  Together we can create some strategies that will work for you and your mind, body, spirit wellness.


Discover the extraordinary power of ancient healing techniques and awaken your body's innate ability to restore health and vitality

What others are saying!

Lorna introudced me to power of Essential Oils.   I recently had occasion to move out of my comfort zone with my writing, so embraced the oils to assist me to shift old patterns and access an unconscious part of myself to propel my writing. With a simple daily routine, I enjoyed applying my oils in the morning, noticing both subtle and dramatic changes in my mood and creative output. I experience less inner resistance and find the words flow more easily onto the page. 

-Megan, Screenwriter, Sunshine Coast, QLD
I have recently had the opportunity to spend some time embracing a lifestyle change. With help from Lorna I found that after 2 weeks of using essential oils for emotional support and taking a daily dose of a natural energy juice called Ningxia Red, I found myself feeling more positive in my mind, and feeling better all round. 

-Kev, WA

Once upon a time back when I knew no better, I would go into a shop or stall and pick up a bottle of oil and if it said Essential Oil, I would think it was good for me and the environment…

I then met an amazing woman, Lorna Russell, “Lorna Lavender” was my contact in my phone. Lorna, with her deepest conviction, love and passion showed and taught me gently and patiently the difference using a therapeutic essential oil could make. 

It was hard not to sit and listen in awe when Lorna spoke of all the 100% natural goodness of the amazing products she uses and her knowledge and wisdom blew me away. 

I have grown to know more about what I need to balance my life, my eyes are opened to a bigger world of natural ways for my whole body mind and spirit wellbing 

-Trish, Redcliffe, QLD

On The Blog

a story of healing

green omega's